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IMPORTANT GUIDELINES FOR THIS BUILDING - Knowledgebase / 1. BOOKING & RESERVATIONS / Buildings / Lyfe Beach Resort - Cielo Service Desk


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Please take note of the following important guidelines for this building:

  1. Return Towel Service card to the front desk at check-out to avoid $40 fine per non returned card.

  2. Return room keys to the front desk

  3. Please present the towel service card at the pool/beach to claim one towel per guest. (Max 4 towels)

  4. Towels are not allowed to be removed from the pool/beach area.

  5. Always wear shoes, shirts, and cover-ups in the lobby. This will carry a penalty of $100.

  6. Trash to be disposed in trash chute to avoid $100 fine. Signage throughout Room Hallways.

  7. Package Room Located 2nd floor: Hours from 8:00am to 4:00pm 7 days a week.

  8. No Parties allowed

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